Thursday, July 24, 2014

ISRAEL's NEW ENEMY - twitter

Israel Has a New Worst Enemy — Twitter

The Medium's Immediacy and Emotion Overwhelm All Logic

Read more:

New Way To War: A foreign correspondent uses her phone after four Palestinian boys were killed by Israeli shelling in front of hotel where many reporters were staying.

New Way To War: A foreign correspondent uses her phone after four Palestinian boys were killed by Israeli shelling in front of hotel where many reporters were staying.

By Gal Beckerman

Published July 24, 2014, issue of August 01, 2014.

Shortly after Israel began its ground invasion of Gaza, Anne Barnard, a New York Times reporter who has covered wars for over a decade, stood in the emergency room of the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City and watched a 9-year-old girl die.
The girl was alone, without family, nameless. And when the doctor finally pronounced her dead, Barnard and another reporter wept.
And then she tweeted:

Anne Barnard @ABarnardNYT
In ER, girl, 9?, lies still, staring. No relative w/her. Docs gently check pulse, again & again, until it's time. A white sheet & she's gone

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